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    lyubomirb  34, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Aug 2008
9:07 PM EST

feel different

������������ One of very hard things I deal with is figuring out what is right and wrong. At one point of my life it felt wrong to do but sometimes if feels like there is nothing wrong with it. It mostly bothers me that if someone thinks it’s wrong and judges me for doing it. Maybe this is a lesson I had to learn on my own. I know in the past I have judged people and had to accept their actions. I know I am not perfect but even when everyone told me I was I kept thinking to myself what it was that I was doing wrong. I now know I was doing wrong. Life teaches many important lessons. And I believe it has changed me from within. As long as I keep my head up and follow my heart things will turn out ok. I still feel ashamed of a lot of things I said and done. I hope people can forgive me.

������������� The way I use to feel came from how I was raised. When I began adopting to a new environment I sort of lost control. I was not a very god person and sometimes I think I didn’t deserve all the things I thought I did. I thought of myself as pure, but I was an eggshell. At this moment I actually feel like I used to be very greedy and selfish. A lot of people know me as very generous and that is true because I do love giving. But there was a side that I could not see back then. I am very thankful to the people that I took this out on. Not to forget that I am also very sorry. But it made me become a better man. I have heroes and they are the people that haven’t given up on me.

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